During last weekend I fitted the bits I got from Motorworks which was nice. The next job was not so nice. I offered up the wiring loom to the frame. I seem to have a lot of spare wires and connectors with no obvious place to connect. I scratched my head for a while and decided not to struggle. I went on the interweb instead and found a wiring diagram in colour. When I have printed it of I shall have a good look at it and see I can understand the wiring loom.
I fitted a few of the cable to the bike. The clutch and speedo cables were fitted and routed to the head stock area. Then the earth strap. The earth strap uses the same bolt as the speedo cable retaining bolt. I fitted the main live cable to the starter motor and ran it back to the battery box. No battery as yet but the carrier is ready.
I need to test the starter motor and sort out the wiring from the rectifier and then I can fit the engine top cover. I have to buy some fuel hose so the I can fit the air filter box. The fuel line has a balancing tube that run through the air filter. Then I can mess about with the carbs and wiring which are the big jobs.