The great day has arrived. Finally I scraped together the necessary to buy the electrical parts. They arrived in the week. I also found, on the Internet, a wiring diagram for an 80/7 which is result. My friend printed it off at A3 size and in colour so it is nice a clear. I have it taped up on the cupboard door ready for the time I get to start bolting on the new bits and connecting the wires.
The stator and rotor is on the right, the big thing on the box. That makes electricity when it is spun by the crank shaft. The shiny thing with wires, on the left, is the rectifier which turns the electical output from alternating to direct current. The round things in the middle of shot are the gubbins for the electronic timing.
I have been cruising the BMW notice boards for wiring plans. Unfortunately I found other goodies for the bike. I was pleased to find pods to house the ampmeter and clock which are waterproof and fit nicely adjacent to the speedo but that's more money. I have also had this idea it might be nice to have a pair of modern mini spots. Then again they are not in keeping with the bike and they cost a mint but they are smart and might be very useful when I go touring. For the time being they at the bottom of the wish list.