Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Noo carbs

The new carbs came in the post on Monday. The place I got them from were good enough to supply the right size carbs from the model and with new jets. There is a problem with this bike because it is a mish mash of bikes. The bike came with two sets of carbs but neither were in good condition and on refection they were probably not from this bike. The set I have been sent are 32mm diameter.

I fitted them on Tuesday evening. It only took forty minutes to fit the pair of them. Then went on quite easily which makes me think they are the right diameter as the set that came with the bike were a struggle to fit. I re-fitted the air hoses as well as the choke and throttle cables. Again all looks well. The throttle twist grip is not snapping back so I may have to re-route the cables. I checked the petrol taps but only one was passing petrol. I need to get fresh petrol, let he battery charge up and fit the missing exhaust can before I try to start the bike again.