Sunday, 8 May 2011

A quickie

Having sorted out the items on the near side of the bike I had to turn it around again. It was really heavy again. Only when I got the bike back on the stand did I find out that the rear tyre was flat. I pumped it up to 35 psi. I will check it again in a few days to see if it held pressure.

I had a quick look at the bevel box. I cleaned and refitted the drain plug. I knew I had SAE90 oil in the cupboard. I checked the amount of oil in the carton. It was exactly the amount that is required by the bevel box. I filled the bevel box and fitted the filler plug.

Whilst had a minute I tightened up the bolts for the off side horn. I also cable tied the sleeved cables up to the clutch switch block.